Sunday, April 10, 2011

The relativity of Spring

Last night a breeze from the open window poured over us like a cool drink of water, stirring the blades of the overhead fan and washing away the musty air out of our room, long closed up from the winter chill that pressed against it for months. In a night long embrace we re-synchronized our breaths to the sweet taste of the welcomed spring air - after Joe's week away working in Nairobi. The relatively warmer temperatures have opened the first of the yellow daffodils, acting as harbingers of nicer days ahead, as they dotted a still barren landscape, scarred by winter storms and heavy snows. Like gardeners, with the thaw, we turn our attention to the opportunities that the upcoming season offers, clearing away the dead and worn out and replacing it with the fresh and new.

The relative warmth of this nascent spring reminds me of how cold its been this winter, and yet these same temperatures seemed so chilly to me at the end of last summer, when the leaves turned colors too soon and the days shortened too early. But as every cycle completes and restarts we learn the lessons well and take them to higher levels with each successive spiral. For many of us, the natural cycle of a wintry downturn caused some flow of assets to freeze up, and reduced others to a trickle, forcing us to find new incoming streams that could soon turn into rivers of opportunity, in the promise of an economic thaw ahead. With each new blossom that opens, it carries with it a new day of hope, bright with the unfolding dreams we work so hard to achieve.

In many ways, the challenges we face are a better choice than those of other nations who have been ravaged to a greater degree throughout their troubling winters, and the relativity of it needs to be kept in mind, as we burrow out of our own. The possibility of an easier and quicker recovery seems to elude us, in many cases, because of political machinations seemingly designed to thwart growth for the benefit of the few over the many. The question of what type of government we want is bandied about, with the general intent of prescribing little or none at all. For those with resources, that may work, but for the relative masses that need support, it will not. As this spring unfolds, we must be vigilant of the crops that are unfurled before us to ponder, and work to clear the weeds that distract us from the clarity of vision we need as individuals and as a nation. The relative options may not be evident...with all of the growing misinformation creeping into our mindsets - but it is. And it is up to us to sort it out for one another and to take a stand for our beliefs.

On a positive spring note, please remember the annual benefit for Live Out Loud, the great organziation that provides so much assistance to LGBT teens in America. Their Young Trailblazers 10th Anniversary Gala takes place on Monday, April 25th, 2011, from 6:00 to 9:30 pm at the TheTimesCenter, located on 8th Ave at 40th Street. If you can attend, please do. If you can purchase an auction item, please do. If you can contribute, please do. If you can tell a friend, please do.