Jump starting us into the spirit of the season was a wonderful weekend in New York, at the rambling brownstone of the vivacious entrepreneur and beauty, Peggy Dillard, and her esteemed husband, famed artist Lloyd Toone. Their personal spirits raised our own senses of growing possibilities, which were heightened even more at the smashing Christmas party thrown by producer, Brenda Dillon and her raconteur husband, Bill Cavette. Filled with delightful guests, we spanned the world of amusement with them all.
We will have Christmas dinner today with our dear friends, Carol LaBrie and Uli Rose, which are more like family than friends. A dining adventure prepared by these connoisseurs of life makes it a delectable experience each and every day. This is a rare holiday opportunity to spend with them, since we are generally away, in Brazil, at this time of year. The snowy lead up to today had been enchanting, however, that has given way to snow patches and a sun shiny day. I am preparing macaroni and cheese for the occasion, my favorite holiday dish, which I am known for and make only a few times a year.
The Hudson Valley is an enchanting location at any time of the year with Christmas having a special appeal. The buildings are sprinked with decorations and frosted with snowflakes, emphasizing their architectural splendor, while the landscapes are etched in a wintry beauty that holiday cards are made of. With this setting and time of year, we are very happy to give thanks for the things in life we can enjoy, things that are there as a benefit without any effort on our part, as a gift from God. We hope your holiday presents you with joy as a present and happiness as a gift.
Merry Christmas to you & Joe! What a wonderful Holiday Blog! The photos are magnificent!!
Yes, Glenn I couldn't agree more. I think all of those factors and for us the upcoming anniversary of his Mom's passing just served to make it a slow go. I am renewed by the possibility of Obama also, so I hope that next year will bring us more joy. Be well and hopefully we will see you early in the New Year.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thanks for the season's greetings. I hope your new year will be the best ever...
Glenn - Marry Christmas to you and Joe! And Happy new Year too! I've been reallly enjoying reading your blog regularly. You write beautifully! All the best for 2009! xoxo charlie
Hi Glenn,
Happy Holidays to you and Joe. Your writing is so inspiraional and flows so beautifully - just like your paintings. Enjoy your trip to Brasil and we look forward to seeing you at The Inauguration.
Michael and Ralph
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