Zita Cousens, in royal blue, glided amongst the crowd she assembled with tremendous grace and ease. Jackie Orridge, the radiantly beautiful mother of my dear friends, Valerie Preston and Richard Orridge, and aunt of our New York Governor, was there, a trooper, barring any encumbrances she had to deal with to do so. I met the noted author, Stephan Carter, whose many works I have collected and was just discussing with Chuku Lee the day before. Amy Goldson and her daughters, Aerin and Ava, were there with Amy's mother, one looking more beautiful than the next. Many people were drawn to the painting of her, and that of Patricia Hayling Price, as they are both noted perennials to the Vineyard.
Flying in that day from a five week sojourn in Europe were our guests, Dr. Crystal Silas, of CA, with her son, Charles, to partake in the beauty of the Vineyard for the first time. A long time friend of ours from the Vineyard, DC and Brazil is Dr. K. Ezeze, who was there also, in advance of the launch of his new book, Dream College, this September. There were too many wonderful people there last night to mention in this limited space so included below are a few photos of those smiling faces and loving supporters that you may know.
Hi Glenn,
Thank you for your post! We wish we could've been present, but your narrative takes me there in spirit and I'm so happy for the great turnout and for all your successes. You are truly great.
With love,
Angela & Matt
Thank you, Glenn. Sharing your adventures and photos are truly wonderful of you. As I look at the faces in the pictures of your friends and loved ones, I feel the warmth and the love that resonates through the images. I'm back in Europe (in Amsterdam and traveling all over) and your photos remind me of what life is like for me and the gatherings that I attend, while I'm in the USA. You look very healthy and happy, and full of love. I'm sure that it was "A Night To Remember". Even though I wasn't there, your blog and emails give me and I'm sure others, a chance to remember to joy that comes from being in the company of those whom you love and care for. Thank you.
Much continued success, to you.
Congratulations. Let’s make it a point to connect when you’re back and off Island.
Kudos to you Glenn!
Darling, I was there in Spirit.
Glad to hear your show was a complete success – won’t have thought otherwise.. beautiful picture….
Talk to you soon!
YEAH!!! Glenn this is absolutely wonderful. Your provenance is leaping.
Hi Glenn,
I’m so sorry that I can’t be there to celebrate your Opening. Please let me know when you’re back in the City, because we’re long overdue to
“break bread” together. Please give Joe my regards, as well.
Wishing you much continued success.
Glenn you are Blessed. What a beautiful exhibit.
Have a fabulous opening! I know it will be!
Wish I could be there, looking forward to seeing
your work when I arrive next week.
Much love to you and Joe.
Hi Glenn,
Congratulatins!! I'm sorry that I coudln't be there but I truly enjoyed your blog.
Great! Congratulations!
Best, Sam
I am glad to learn that you are ending the summer on a high. And it was good to see Crystal and Ezeze's smiling faces along with yours and Joe's.
You may be my the "political, wealthy, socially prominent and regular folk" I know :)
All the best.
Thank you for the updates. I apreciate it. Next best thing to beong there. Looks like you had a great turn out. I hope the installation is fully intact when I arrive Wednesday - Saturday.
As I know you can appreciaqte I needed to see clients since I will be out of pocket for about a week getting Hilary shopped, packed, loaded and to college once we rfor a real rest on the rock the third week in September. I can't wait! I hope that you are still there so that we can connect in person and without rush.
Happy to hear about your opening and wishing you every success.
June Kelly
Glenn: You look well. Continued good luck.
Glenn, hello and well wishes to you on the show!! Your photos of your friends and family look great. Thanks for reaching out and sharing. Good luck. Best regards, Janine Weiss (Parsons)
Glenn, your writing, art, and spirit are so very beautiful! You are and have always been my inspiration. Thank you. I am so happy to know that you are doing well. We are sorry we missed it and look forward to seeing you soon. Much Love, Charlie & Bill
Lisa and I were so sorry to have to miss the big event! I'm sure it must have been quite a wonderful evening...it could only have been so given your extraordinarily beautiful paintings and what sounds like a wonderful gathered group. Hope to see y'all...and your new work...soon!
-Sharon Webb
Bravo Glenn! Bravo!!!!!
Congratulations Glenn,
Sorry I could not make it. Maybe we can catch up this fall.
Dear Glenn,
You and Joe are always in my thoughts. You just swept me away this morning. What a beautiful story. Thanks for sharing it with me.
Let's spend some time togeher very soon.
Much love!
It certainly looked like a night to remember. I was up there a few weeks early, but will make the show soon.
Continued success to you,
Barbara H.
Dearest Glen,
Glad to hear all is flowing swimmingly in your life. As always wishing you abundance, joy, love and laughter.
My love to Joe and it's as constant as mine is for you...blessings
Glenn, you are such a wonderful being, so please remember to ALWAYS count your blessings, which are many in your case. Sounds like the opening reception for your show was full of guests who love you and appreciate your work. One day, when I finally "get it together" for myself, I will be one of the guests to your shows who "come each year, wishing the best and quietly building art collections of their own", with a few selected pieces of your work....
Thank you, Glenn. Sharing your adventures and photos are truly wonderful of you. As I look at the faces in the pictures of your friends and loved ones, I feel the warmth and the love that resonates through the images. I'm back in Europe (in Amsterdam and traveling all over) and your photos remind me of what life is like for me and the gatherings that I attend, while I'm in the USA. You look very healthy and happy, and full of love. I'm sure that it was "A Night To Remember". Even though I wasn't there, your blog and emails give me and I'm sure others, a chance to remember to joy that comes from being in the company of those whom you love and care for. Thank you.
Much continued success, to you.
Darren Johnson.
Thank you so much. This was very kind and thoughtful of you and words cannot convey how much I appreciate your kindness and support. The photos are beautiful. It was clearly a night to remember.
See you tomorrow.
Beautiful to see the photos and so thrilled by your triumph. Really really wish I could have been there with you. Perhaps next year! Please keep asking. Love, Pamela Leri
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