Sunday, February 16, 2020

Meeting old friends for the very first time

When was the last time you met someone for the first time and felt like you were already old friends? Not just the sensation that you liked and understood one another upon first meeting, which is rare enough, but that you had a shared history of life experiences that were so similar, that you must have passed one another at events or in the hallways of your lives. Was this a perception from the past or a precognition of the future? This thought rambled through my mind from the moment I first met Monina Von Opel, and her husband Edward, at my studio this past weekend. Both having lived in Paris, and she as a fashion editor, had me convinced we had more in common than baguettes and brie.

They had arrived for a studio visit to select an oil painting for the permanent collection at the Martha's Vineyard Hospital. The recently built modern facility contains many works from some of the top artists known on the island and elsewhere. I was thrilled to be sought out for the honor and had cleaned up the studio for the visit.

Works bubble wrapped for their long term protection were freed from the encasements and sparkled  like new again. As we poured over the works, my artistic past in oils and watercolors flowed before our eyes, with many attendant stories of how and where they came about. Though the works have been with me all along, they felt like children returning home and showing me how much they had grown. For artists, the distance of time is the only way one's works can be truly appreciated by its creator. In time all the unmet desires for the work falls away and the art stands on its own in the artist's eyes.

Monina and Edward selected "Rose Dawn" to grace the walls of the gallery, as a memory of our new found friendship.


Shawn Grain Carter said...

Glenn Tunstull's creative expression reflects the peace and spirituality of nature. His art juxtaposes this delicate balance of serenity and tension during morning twilight. The composition, "Rose Dawn" illuminates a vivid contrast of color,light and imagery. It evokes the natural world as a vessel of joy!

Shawn Grain Carter

Andrea Cisco said...

How wonderful! Both, meeting new friends and having a painting at the hospital! You rock!

Much love,

Lynne Huck said...

Glenn Tunstull is such a brilliant artist as he personally has so much light in himself and the title is perfect because this is exactly how one feels when they meet Glenn.

I do not know that much about art but I do know what resonates with me and that is the gift Glenn gives to his subjects...he sees the light so clearly, then captures it so it sparkles!

Glenn and his work are very uplifting to me personally.
I am grateful to know him and anyone that owns his art or admires his art will always be so happy from the inside out..that is a reflection of who he is.
I am so happy that the hospital chose his art to hang for everyone to see and to enjoy.

Unknown said...

Read’g Glenn’s post brought back fond memories of our 1st meet’g in 1970 & that ultimate JoY of connect’g & immed’ly ‘feel’g the vibe’. If indeed, Monina imparted that same emotion, their friendship is ‘Solid as a Rock’. I love the paint’g she selected but it wldn’t matter what she chose; EV’Y paint’g by Maestro Tunstull is awe inspiring. Cheers, Glenn... 🥂to Everlast’g Friendship & ongoing success!

Unknown said...

Beautiful painting. Hope to see it this summer.
Jane said...

I love their hands connected at the top of this painting...says it all.A beautiful piece of work (I fell right into the sunset!) done by a wonderful artist. I loved the story, and thank you for sharing!

Unknown said...

A wealth of meaning, love, beauty and new found friendship. Life at one of it beautiful moments. May you have many many more!

Unknown said...

We are truly all connected to one another. Most of my close friends, I knew we were all close friends on the island of Atlantis in a previous life.

Pamela Hoffman said...

Glenn- Congratulations on having “Rose Dawn” grace the permanent collection of art at the new MV hospital. The painting is so serene yet exhilarating! Beautiful colors!

Pam Hayling Hoffman